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Say Goodbye to Contacts and Hello to Your Best Self with LASIK

December 19, 2023

If you have spent years relying on contact lenses for clear vision, it may be time to say goodbye to contacts with LASIK! Opting for LASIK can allow you to have clear, crisp vision every day, all the time, without running to the bathroom first thing in the morning to put in your contact lenses.

When considering whether LASIK is right for you, you likely have questions about this safe and popular procedure. Keep reading to learn more about LASIK, including how this procedure can allow you to live life with more visual freedom!

What is LASIK?

LASIK, which stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a vision-correcting procedure that aims to reduce your dependency on glasses or contact lenses by reshaping the cornea, which is the clear outer layer of your eye and allows light to reach the retina. LASIK can correct the most common refractive errors, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

What Happens During LASIK?

During the LASIK procedure, your LASIK surgeon uses a special laser to create a flap on the surface of the cornea. First, numbing eye drops are applied to numb the eye. 

The surgeon then uses a device called a microkeratome to create a thin flap on the cornea. This flap is folded back to expose the inner layers of the cornea. 

Your LASIK surgeon then uses an excimer laser to reshape the cornea, correcting the refractive error that is causing blurry vision. The excimer laser removes microscopic amounts of tissue from the cornea to change its refractive power. 

After the cornea is reshaped, the flap is replaced and allowed to heal naturally without stitches. The procedure takes ten to twenty minutes per eye. 

After LASIK, you can expect improved vision without glasses or contacts. Healing is rapid, and most patients experience significant improvement in vision within twenty-four hours.

Is the LASIK Procedure Painful?

LASIK is not typically a painful procedure. Numbing drops are applied to the eyes before the procedure, so most patients feel little to no pain during the procedure. 
There may be some mild pressure or tingling when the laser reshapes the cornea. After LASIK, some patients experience mild discomfort or irritation as the eyes heal, but significant pain is very uncommon.

How Long Does the LASIK Procedure Last?

The actual LASIK procedure is usually very quick, taking about ten minutes per eye. From intake to recovery, LASIK usually takes a couple of hours.

Ready for LASIK? Find out if you're a candidate!

Take the Free LASIK Self-Test

How Long is the Recovery After LASIK?

Immediately following the procedure, you may find your vision is somewhat blurry, and you will need to have someone drive you home. Most people find their vision is clear within twenty-four hours following the procedure, enabling them to return to their normal activities. 

However, full recovery from LASIK takes about six months.

How Soon Will I Notice Improved Vision After LASIK?

While individual results vary, most LASIK patients report improved vision within two to five days following the procedure. Optimal vision improvement from LASIK is fully realized within six months.

Is LASIK permanent?

The effects of LASIK are designed to be permanent. While natural changes to your eyes as you get older can eventually impact your vision, the vast majority of LASIK patients continue to have clear vision years after the procedure. 

The reshaping accomplished during LASIK is not expected to regress over time. Although you may eventually need glasses again due to normal age-related changes in vision, the corrections from your LASIK procedure remain intact. 

For most patients, the benefits of LASIK are long-lasting.

Learn More About LASIK

Schedule a Free LASIK Consultation

Am I a Good Candidate For LASIK?

Advances in LASIK technology have made the procedure safe and effective for a wide range of people looking to correct their vision. To be a good candidate for LASIK, you should meet the following criteria:

  • You are between the ages of eighteen and forty
  • You have had a consistent eye prescription for at least a year
  • Your eyes are healthy, with no history of any serious eye conditions
  • You do not have untreated dry eye
  • Your corneas are thick enough
  • You are in good overall health
  • You have realistic expectations of your individual LASIK outcome

Ready for LASIK? Find out if you are a candidate!

Take the Free LASIK Self-Test

What if LASIK Isn't Right For Me?

Which vision-correcting procedure is right for you largely depends on your eyes and your individual refractive error. While LASIK can correct the most common refractive errors, your eye surgeon may recommend a different refractive procedure if LASIK does not suit you.

If you are over the age of forty or if you have cataracts, Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) may be a more appropriate option for you.

If you think you might be ready to say goodbye to contact lenses, LASIK can help you say hello to your best self with convenient, worry-free clear vision! With LASIK's fast and effective results, you could be contact lens-free in no time at all! 

Do you want to learn more about LASIK or determine if you may be a good candidate for the procedure? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Maryland Vision Institute in Hagerstown, Frederick, or Hancock, MD, today!