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What Kind of IOL is Right for Me?

August 29, 2023

When you are experiencing the symptoms of cataracts, it’s understandable to feel anxious as you wonder whether you’ll ever see clearly again. Cataracts can cause vision-impairing symptoms like clouded, dim or blurred vision, sensitivity to bright lights, visual haloes, and diminished night vision.shutterstock-1727525905-1

However, receiving a cataract diagnosis can be the first step in restoring the clarity of your vision! If you are diagnosed with cataracts, your eye doctor will most likely recommend cataract surgery which is the only effective way to successfully and permanently treat cataracts. 

During cataract surgery, your eye surgeon first removes the clouded natural lens of your eye and then replaces it with an intraocular lens, or IOL. These artificial lenses not only eliminate cataracts but can also improve your vision and even reduce your dependence on visual aids.

Keep reading to learn which IOL may be right for you!

What Are My IOL Options?

At one time, the only IOL option available for cataract surgery was a monofocal lens. A monofocal lens has the ability to restore visual clarity but can only improve eyesight at a single distance: either near or far.

shutterstock-278233250Today, there are an array of new IOLs, also sometimes known as premium IOLs, which offer cataract surgery patients more advanced vision-correcting options! Whether you are looking for clear vision at multiple distances or to correct vision affected by astigmatism, we offer some of the most innovative IOLs available.

To choose what kind of IOL is right for you, learn more about the options available at the Maryland Vision Institute:

AcrySof ReSTOR

One of the most popular IOLs available at Maryland Vision Institute is the AcrySof ReSTOR. This IOL allows you to see clearly at near and far distances without having to rely on bifocals or reading glasses to see clearly.

At least eighty percent of patients who have opted for the AcrySof ReSTOR IOL report that they no longer need glasses and are entirely free of the symptoms of cataracts, including reduced night vision.

AcrySof IQ Toric

Astigmatism is an eye condition that can cause blurred or double vision due to the irregular shape of a person’s cornea. With astigmatism, the cornea is coned-shaped rather than rounded, which distorts the way that light enters the retina.

With the AcrySof IQ Toric IOL, we can correct astigmatism at the same time that we treat your cataracts. Toric IOLs are shaped to correct the corneal imperfections that cause astigmatism, allowing light to correctly enter the retina and fully restore distance vision.

AcrySof IQ PanOptix

shutterstock-1327937333The PanOptix is the first trifocal IOL to be fully approved for use in the United States. It is a revolutionary lens that allows patients to restore their vision at all three distances: near, far, and intermediate.

The PanOptix uses ENLIGHTEN Optical Technology, an innovative design that optimizes a patient’s intermediate vision without compromising their ability to see clearly at near and far distances. This trifocal IOL is an excellent choice for patients with active lifestyles who require crisp, clear vision at all distances, whether on the tennis court or in their favorite candle-lit restaurant.

RxSight Light Adjustable Lens

The RxSight light adjustable lens is the first and only IOL that can be customized after cataract implant surgery. The light adjustable lens is made of a unique photosensitive material that can be adjusted after implantation using a special ultraviolet light source.

Adjusting this lens can take several weeks following implantation, but the custom results are worth the extra time and effort involved. Once fully adjusted, the light adjustable lens gives you amazing eyesight that precisely meets all your vision goals.

Tecnis Symfony

The Tecnis Symfony IOL is another premium implant option that can give you both a continuous range of high-quality vision while also offering superior contrast and low light vision. This multi-purpose IOL can give you clear vision at several distances, and it also comes in a version that can correct astigmatism.

shutterstock-1247868448-1The Tecnis Symfony is also often recommended for patients who have opted to correct their vision with a presbyopia lens replacement. Laser lens replacement is an elective eye surgery during which the natural lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens, just as in cataract surgery.

The biggest difference between laser lens replacement and cataract surgery is that laser lens replacement patients usually have not been diagnosed with cataracts. Laser lens replacement surgery is a permanent way to correct vision affected by presbyopia, which causes people to lose their ability to focus on objects close up.

With so many IOL options available, the best way to determine which IOL is the right one for you is to consult with one of Maryland Vision Institute’s knowledgeable and experienced cataract specialists. If you have been diagnosed with cataracts or are looking to correct your vision with laser lens replacements, we are here to help you maintain the quality of your vision for a lifetime!

Do you want to learn more about IOLs or determine which may be right for you? Schedule an appointment at Maryland Vision Institute in Hagerstown, MD, today!